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Utility functions


buildVideoElement(options): Promise<BuildVideoElementReturnType>

A function that creates and optionally injects a video DOM element for a given Call or Room object.


If you have passed a rootElement when instantiating the SignalWire client, or when dialing a call, the SDK will manage the DOM automatically; injecting the resulting video stream into the rootElement that you specified.

But for more fine grained control, or if you're using a library like React, you can choose to manually manage DOM using this function. Be sure to not specify a rootElement at instantiation or during dialing.


options.roomCallFabricRoomSessionRequiredThe Call Fabric Room Session to build the video element for
options.rootElementHTMLElementOptionalThe HTML container element which will contain the video stream. If rootElement is not passed, the resulting DOM element will be returned, and can be injected into any container element manually.
options.applyLocalVideoOverlaybooleanOptionalWhether to apply local video overlays on the remote stream


response.elementHTMLElementThe container for the stream. If rootElement was not passed, this is a newly created container. Otherwise, it is the same as the rootElement which was passed in.
response.unsubscribe()=>voidCall this function to turn off all event handling for the stream before disposing of the container element.


After the SignalWire Client has been instantiated, you can dial a video call and inject it into the DOM as follows:

const call = await client.dial({
/* ... */

await call.start();

const { element, unsubscribe } = await buildVideoElement({
room: call,
const container = document.getElementById("container");

Alternatively, you can pass in the rootElement parameter and let the function automatically manage DOM:

const { element, unsubscribe } = await buildVideoElement({
room: call,
rootElement: document.getElementById("container"),